May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O God, you are our rock and redeemer.Read More
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O God, you are our rock and redeemer.Read More
God who speaks to us in parables, help us interpret and apply your Word for our place and time. Amen. I once spent aRead More
God of forgiveness and love, we cry out to you. Hear our prayers, guide our steps, strengthen our households, and help us always to turnRead More
God of work and rest, teach us to listen to your voice and follow your example with every breath of our lives. Amen. LastRead More
God of wind and fire, breathe your life into us and invigorate us with the spark of your Spirit. Amen. When I started writingRead More
Inclusion. That’s what this week’s Bible reading are all about. God doesn’t discriminate based on what color our skin is, or what gender we are,Read More
The following sermon is a paraphrase of the letter of First John, first preached at Lake Edge Lutheran Church on the 4th Sunday after Easter,Read More
God, we believe you are light, and in you there is no darkness at all. We ask for you to light our way as weRead More
God of life, enliven your Word as it is read, sung, preached, and practiced among us. Teach us to embody your living Word with ourRead More